Welcome to the Get It Back Blog

We’re so glad you’ve joined us.  If you’re looking for tax credit outreach tips, stories from partners, useful resources, client tools, and announcements — you’re in the right place!  Just one request from us: If you like a post, share it!  Reblog the post and share it on your social media channels.

Here are just a few ways this blog can help your outreach campaign:

1. Find blog posts YOU can use.

Our posts are your posts.  Many of the short and catchy blog posts we publish here are directed at people who can benefit from these tax credits, and we hope you’ll repost to share them directly with your clients and your network.


2. Get visuals you can use, too!

Many of the infographics we share — about everything from tax credits and tax filing to asset building and more — will be designed for you to share on Facebook and Twitter.  Post away!

Want to learn how to use graphics in social media?  Leave a comment or email us if you’d be interested in joining a webinar tutorial.


3. Get outreach tips and inspiration.

Want to learn more about what to post on Facebook?  How to use texting in your outreach campaign?  How to recruit and retain volunteers?  We blog about these outreach activities — and more.  So much more.  In addition to tips, we know the success stories we share from our outreach partners will inspire you.

We’re currently looking for guest bloggers (and we’re always looking for new blog post ideas), so let us know if you’ve got something to share or suggest!

4. Stay up-to-date with tax policy.

Don’t worry, our posts will be jargon-free and easy to understand. 🙂


5. Learn about new resources on our website.

We know that on a big website, sometimes information gets lost.  Whenever we create a new resource we think you’ll want to know about, we announce it on the blog so you don’t miss out.

This blog is a space where you can contact us, and get to know each other!  If there’s a topic you want to learn more about, leave us a comment or email us.  You can also contact us through Facebook or Twitter.

The latest

Tax Talk Thursdays

Tax Talk Thursdays

The Get it Back Campaign is hosting Tax Talk Thursdays this summer. This 3-part learning…