Through social media, events, blogs, and media coverage, outreach partners shined the spotlight on free tax preparation for VITA Awareness Day. Here’s a recap of some of the happenings.
- CFED’s “How Tax Time Issues Impact Low-Wage Workers Nationwide” policy forum explored the challenges and potential solutions to address concerns of lower-income taxpayers.
- The United Way shared the importance of VITA and why a day dedicated to raising awareness about the service is necessary.
- New York City’s Department of Consumer Affairs launched the “NYC Free Tax Prep at Work Initiative” to integrate free tax preparation services, like VITA, into the workplace.
- The United Way of King County celebrated how its Free Tax Preparation Campaign has helped residents build financial stability for more than 13 years, returning $27 million to 19,900 taxpayers in 2015.
- KGNS, a local news channel in South Texas, ran a news story highlighting the many benefits of VITA and how to get help.
What did you do? Share your VITA Awareness Day activities with us.