New York City calls to expand the EITC, a new bill is introduced to improve the CTC, and the IRS encourages grandparents to check their EITC eligibility.
- The IRS wants working grandparents to know they may be eligible for the EITC. A grandparent who is working and has a grandchild living with them may qualify for the EITC, even if they are 65 years of age or older. Learn more about EITC eligibility using this chart.
- New York City Comptroller Scott Stringer pushes to expand the city’s EITC from 5 to 15 percent of the federal credit, which could lift thousands of New York residents out of poverty.
- States can create or expand their state EITC to encourage work, reduce financial hardships, and help bolster the economy, reports the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities.
- Connecticut Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro introduced the Child Tax Credit Improvement Act, a bill to increase the CTC for families with young children and to index the value of the CTC to increase with inflation.
- The National Conference of State Legislators shares tips for state lawmakers trying to spread the message about tax credits in their district.